Abandoned Gary, Indiana | A City in Ruins (A Photo Gallery)

Founded in 1906 by the US Steel Corporation, Gary, Indiana was once a thriving city in the post-war 1950’s, boasting a population of 200,000 residents. With the collapse of the steel industry, Gary began to lose its inhabitants, falling by over 50 percent. Economic competition from abroad forced US Steel Corporation to cut 90 percent of its jobs, or roughly 30,000 employees. After this there was a “white flight,” when a large majority of Gary’s white residents fled the city and established their own town, Merrilleville, 10 minutes to the south.



View images of abandoned Highland Park (a Detroit neighborhood) by clicking the provided link.





All images were taken by Jason Humbracht | Indiana Architectural & Travel Photographer

Jason Humbracht | jhumbracht@gmail.com | 317 820 9010
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