I decided to head North in search of waterfalls in Northern Indiana I had just found out existed, and I wanted to shoot them around dusk.

The plan was to get to the first one around 4-4:30, set up/shoot for an hour, then repeat at the next one, which was supposedly 15 minutes away. Long story short…GPS was NO help and I gave up with the thought of going back to a few places I had spotted driving up north.

Setting up in this wind farm proved excellent, because the light went from soft and golden, to kind of earthy, with blues and reds and oranges all layered together. With the sun behind the horizon I was able to capture some neat shots of a turbine with a brilliant blue sky that was starting to show some stars. Fun night shooting!!

I liked the images I took on this trip so much, I decided to head back that way and do some more shooting a couple of days later…

For more on shooting Nightscapes, view my post 5 Reasons to Start Shooting Night Photography.