Tucked away amidst the Mekong River lies Don Khon, a magical oasis of calm in the 4,000 islands of Laos.
There aren’t really 4,000 islands. The name is taken from the view during the dry season, when thousands of small outcroppings come to the surface as the water level reaches its low point.
I had done plenty of research prior to my trip, and yet I knew little of the 4,000 islands, aka Si Phan Don islands. At the Thailand/Laos border (more on the border crossing later), I briefly overheard some fellow travelers speak about this mysterious chain of islands, and how relaxed and slow paced it was.
I thought to myself, “Slower than the pace we’ve been on?” (In my opinion, Southeast Asia is extremely slow compared to life in the US.). I figured I would go with the flow and slow my tempo even more.

Arriving on Don Khon by water taxi ( like the one pictured above) was a magical experience. As the boat motored along the Mekong River, I was transported to a world untouched by the hustle and bustle of modern life. It took nearly two days for me to embrace the unhurried pace of life. When I did, Don Khon offered a haven of serenity and a profound sense of self and connection with nature. The chaotic outside world began to fade away.

I stayed at Pa Kha Guesthouse, pictured above, for around US$5/night.

No cell service or internet, combined with not much entertainment or nightlife, leaves you with a lot of alone time. Self-reflection is why I came on this trip. Let’s go explore!
I stayed about one week on Don Khon, exploring the laid back island a bit more each day. In addition, I would make little trips over the stone bridge into Don Det – the popular backpacker party island. More than once I jumped off the bridge pictured, into the Mekong River, not knowing what creatures lurked below. Others were doing it so I joined in.

Visiting Don Khon in the 4,000 Islands of Laos was an enriching experience. One that tested my comfort level and left me with a bit more knowledge about myself.

Land Border Crossing: Thailand into Laos
You will hear horror stories from everyone about how difficult, awful, corrupt, etc the border crossings are. I’ll share my story because crossing the border was a blast for me!
My pro tip while traveling abroad is to always learn at least five conversational phrases to use when needed. Even if you butcher the language…Try! It shows respect and people tend to be kinder to those they respect.
It worked for me and my travel companions, because I befriended the head border agent right away with my limited knowledge of Lao. Others in line were upset and complaining about this man. They didn’t understand him, or even try. I could also see his frustration with them.
However this same man ended up letting me and my French friend, Jonathon, play some ping pong on a table that was set up in an office, while everyone else had to wait in a hot, humid line. So remember to always come from kindness.
Check out my previous post Vang Vieng, Laos to learn some travel photography tips and explore another magical place in Laos.
Unfortunately I wasn’t as into videography as I am now when I visited Laos. However I found this video on Youtube that that is worth a watch.