It was one of those nights when I knew there was going to be a brilliant sunset, but I didn’t know where I wanted to shoot at. I had one spot in mind and that didn’t turn out how I wanted, so I ended up driving a bit more down the street and found a small, almost hidden park off the road a bit. I pulled in and wandered down by the river looking for good lighting, but left shortly after not finding anything of interest.

However I had noticed this quarry I had passed pulling into the park, but it looked pretty closed off. That doesn’t ever deter me, so I parked the Jeep and went hiking through the brush and weeds and standing water. It was actually quite beautiful where I ended up, filled with birds flying away from my advances, as well as a couple of deer I accidentally surprised (I’m guessing they scared me as much as I spooked them).

It had rained continuously for weeks in this part of Indiana, and I found some nice reflective ponds to shoot over, as shown in the above images. I especially liked how the sun was hitting the “sand dunes” making them look as though I could have been in the desert somewhere.
My only misstep happened as I was leaving. Thinking since I had been walking along wet ground the whole time without much problem, I took one last step and ended up sinking into the mud up to my knee. Almost lost a shoe on that one! Oops.

For tips on how to create better architecture images, go to my post 10 Helpful Tips for Striking Architectural Photography.